User Guide : XML Factory

The XmlJsogFactory parses XML and transforms it into BadgerFish formatted JSOG.

Namespaces are not currently supported.

Usage Example

JSOG parsed = XmlJsogFactory.getSingleton().read("...");

JSOG parsed = XmlJsogFactory.getSingleton().read(inputStream);

The XmlJsogFactory singleton should work for most basic XML processing.

If you need to customize how the XML parser works, you can construct your own XmlJsogFactory with an XMLInputFactory to suit your needs.


  • Element names become object properties
  • Text content of elements goes in the $ property of an object.
      "alice": {
        "$": "bob"
  • Nested elements become nested properties
      "alice": {
        "bob": {
          "$": "charlie"
        "david": {
          "$": "edgar"
  • Multiple elements at the same level become array elements.
      "alice": {
        "bob": [
          {"$": "charlie"},
          {"$": "david"}
  • Attributes go in properties whose names begin with @.
    <alice charlie="david">bob</alice>
      "alice": {
        "$": "bob",
        "@charlie" : "david"